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Enhanced Mobile Upgrade | Shreem

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Enhanced Mobile Upgrade | Shreem

First Rate Vantage Team • October 21, 2022

Technology providers can never stand still and remain relevant. First Rate Vantage has been continuously improving our toolset with enhanced functionality in these areas:

  1. Private and public fundraising
  2. 100% mobile compatible
  3. Integrated Business Intelligence Designer & Reports
  4. Integrated fundraising, CRM and investor portal
  5. Integrated email marketing platform
  6. Ability to schedule reports, so reports are delivered to users and investors on time
  7. Improved drill down capabilities, so users can drill down from investor to fund and then from fund to investment level
  8. Automated investor onboarding platform
  9. Enhanced performance calculation engine with accurate performance metrics calculated in seconds

After upgrading to our latest release, here is a sample of what our clients are saying:….

“Vantage and its team have been great value add partners which has allowed our firm to streamline our investor relations and expedite our fundraising process seamlessly without the headache of manual work. The technology and tools that Vantage software provides has allowed our firm to gain more trust and confidence from our investor network as they are able to stay up to date on our projects with recurring updates and performance indicators along with access to all their legal and tax documents at a click of a button. Finally, the efficiency the software has provided in terms of personnel costs and time savings has resulted in us focusing on what matters – managing our investments and achieving the highest returns for our investors!”

Bhavin Patel
Founder, CEO, Managing Partner
Shreem Capital